22 - England - 5ft

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Spooooooky Halloween Tag!

Get ready for some serious spoops as I answer these 30 Halloween tag questions!

I'm a huge horror lover, but also a giant scaredy-cat at the same time, so these questions have been... interesting...

1. Favourite Horror/Halloween song? For the horrendously creepy factor, I'd have to pick "Tiptoe Through The Tulips" by Tiny Tim. When it was used in the film 'Insidious', I felt chills like never before! I actually hate it but I suppose it's like my favourite hated song!

2. Would you rather have to sleep in an abandoned building with no lights all night or a pitch black forest all night? Probably the abandoned building, just because I could shove myself in the corner so I have the walls behind me for a bit of security! Who knows what's lurking in the forest.......?

3. Have you ever played with a Ouija Board? Never have and never will either! I don't really know if I believe in ghosts or not but I'd rather not find out! haha

4. Favourite Horror Monster/Villain? Since I only watched this the other day, I'm going to probably say Leatherface from 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. I kind of feel sorry for him in a weird way and the original film is a total classic! Bring on the Chainsaw Dance!

5. The creepiest thing that’s ever happened while you were alone? This one time (at band camp...) I was sitting in my living room on my own with the TV off and heard what sounded like a musical toy. I could hear it for about 5 seconds, then it disappeared - no idea where it came from!

6. If you were dared to spend the night in a “Haunted House”, would you do it? Not if I was alone! Maybe if I was with other people that I felt safe around, but that's still a maybe! haha

7. Are you Superstitious? Not really. I sort of think "oooooooooooooooh" when I see the number 666, but other than that I don't follow any superstitions and don't know all that much about them.

8. Do you ever see figures in your peripheral vision? Yeah, kinda often actually, and it freaks me the hell out!

9. Which Urban Legend scares you the most? I don't really read much about Urban Legends, probably because I read a book in the library as a kid about some and it scared the living daylights out of me! Haha - I can't remember any of them, other than this one about some mermaid woman or something that would come out of the water to bite people's toes off whilst they slept!


10. Do you prefer Gorey Horrors or Thrillers? A hard choice. I kinda actually hate gore, like when I watched 'The Evil Dead' the first time where she stabbed the pencil in the man's ankle I had to stop watching (lol) but I love the 'Saw' films... I find more thrilling ones like 'Ju-On: The Grudge' to be more horrifying though... this is too hard, can I have a mixture of both?

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11. Do you believe in Parallel Dimensions/Alternate Universes? I don't tbh, but maybe one day in years to come we'll find one!

12. Ever made a Potion of any sort? When I was a kid, me and my cousins used to make "potions" in my Nan's bath using her shampoos, soap and whatever other liquids we could find in her bathroom lol - she wasn't very impressed!

13. Do you get Scared easily? For sure! I love horror films but I jump easily and a lot of the time after watching them I hate being alone or in the dark haha

14. Have you ever played Bloody Mary? Nope and never will either! Fuck that bitch.

15. Do you believe in Demons/The Devil? Not really, but this question has made me want to start watching 'Supernatural' again!

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16. You’re home alone but you hear footsteps in your house, what do you do? I've actually had this problem before where I've thought I've heard footsteps, so I can tell you exactly what I did! I stayed very still so I could be super quiet to listen out for them. Then eventually got up to creep around and check it out. Nothing was there and I'm pretty glad it was just my imagination!

17. If you had to get trapped in one Horror Movie, which would you choose? No idea! Any I suppose? They'll all be horrific and I'll probably die haha... actually maybe 'Halloween'? As long as there's stairs between me and that fucker I think I'll live- slowpoke...

18. If you could only be one thing for Halloween the rest of your life, what would you be? Probably a Vampire, they're sexy af - I wouldn't turn down a little neck nibble *wink*wink* I need a hot man to dress as a Vampire for me now...

19. Would you ever go to a graveyard at night? I only want to go to a graveyard to pay respects to the dead, so probably not...

20. In a Zombie Apocalypse what is your weapon of choice? I'd say gun because it's an easy option, but you could run out of bullets... also, I live in England so guns aren't that easy to come by! I suppose the Mau Mau club my Dad inherited from his Dad - that'd pack a punch!

21. Would you rather go to a Halloween Party or go Trick or Treating? Kinda too old for Trick or Treating now and it's definitely a dying trend in England (where I live anyway...) plus I'd rather get drunk, dance and have fun with my friends than walk around in the cold asking for sweets from strangers haha

22. You’re in a Horror Movie. Are you the 'Final Girl', the 'First to Die', the 'Comic Relief', the 'Sceptic', the 'Smart One', or 'The Killer'? Hopefully I'd be smart enough and brave enough to be the 'Final Girl', but I'm a bit of a wuss so I'd probably be the 'First to Die' lol

23. Do you have to watch something Happy after watching a Horror Movie so you can go to sleep? If I'm sleeping alone then yeah! YouTube for the win!

24. Whilst watching Scary Movies, are you the one who yells at the characters, the one with their eyes covered the whole time, or the one who falls asleep? I'm the one who yells at the characters but also covers their eyes sometimes if I think something's about to make me jump haha

25. Are you the one who gets scared, or the one who does the scaring? I try to scare people sometimes, but I'm pretty useless at that... shouting "BOO!" at people doesn't really work... I'm usually the one who gets scared because I tend to jump pretty easy! I suppose if someone shouted "BOO!" at me I'd probably jump actually lol

26. Favourite Scary Book? I've never actually read a scary book as far as I can remember, but I did try to write my own horror novel... until I scared myself and couldn't finish it! I actually find scary books more worse than scary films!

27. How old were you when you saw your First Horror Movie? Um... no idea! Like 10 or something? I dunno, kind of young.

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28. What was your first Halloween Costume? I can't remember... but the first thing I can remember dressing as was a cat. My mum had bought me a black onesie with a tail and hot pink faux fur trimmings. I wore it for two years in a row and wanted to wear it for a third but I'd grown out of it by then haha

29. What are you going to be for Halloween this year? If I can find some teeth in time, a Vampire! Otherwise I'll just do some kind of Halloween makeup... I guess we'll see - just under six days to go!

30. If you could have a Spooky Halloween Pet (black cat, owl, bat, rat, wolf, etc), what would you pick? Out of the options I'd choose either black cat because aww kitties! (& Salem!) Or a rat, because I've actually had pet rats in the past and as long as you get them out of their cage and play with them, they're actually amazingly sweet and cuddly pets.

I hope you enjoyed this tag! Give it a go yourself and let me know in the comments what your answers would be!

Have a great Halloween when it comes and I'll talk to you later!

Laura xo

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