22 - England - 5ft

Thursday 19 January 2017

The Rocky Horror Show

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is one of my all-time favourite films! It started as a stage show in 1973 and was adapted onto film in 1975, starring the likes of Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Meatloaf, and of course Richard O'Brien himself! > many of the actors in the film were also in the original stage show, which is pretty awesome!

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The show is still touring throughout the world and is thankfully touring frequently in the UK! I've physically been to the show four times now and will continue to go until they stop touring 💔 (let's pray that never happens!) > It was recently their 40th Anniversary so let's hope they make it to the 50th! Especially since I kinda wanna be in it :P although I can't sing, dance or act...

If you've seen the film but never seen the show, I'll give you the low-down ;) When you go to see Rocky at the theatre, it kind of becomes a panto! People shout things out to make jokes - it's super funny and interactive with the cast at times, especially with the Narrator. Also, when the Time Warp comes on, everyone gets up and dances along!

My favourite part of the experience however (other than watching it of course!) is dressing up. When you go to see the show, it's free game for the audience to dress up, either as a character from the show or just put on some stockings and fishnets XD

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The first time I went, I dressed as Janet during the Floor Show, so I wore a corset, pants, stockings, gloves and the makeup; the 2nd time I went as Frank in his 'doctor' outfit with similar outfit and makeup, a pearl necklace and a prop chainsaw (since in the stage show he uses a chainsaw instead of a pickax like in the film); and the third time I kinda just wore a maid outfit tbh and didn't really curl my hair or do my makeup like Magenta XD I didn't have much time to get ready that time :P

This time (29th Dec) I went in a much more generic outfit, which a lot of people do tbh- not everyone dresses as a character and a lot of the time it's just an excuse for people to dress up like slutty drag queens ;) 

I loved every second of the show (like always!), sang along, shouted out, and danced the night away... it's just a shame that it doesn't go on forever :P after the couple hours are over I'm gutted that it's over again!

If you live in the UK or will be visiting and want to see the show, then make sure to check on the website http://rockyhorror.co.uk/ for new tour dates for the coming year and keep up with their social media :)

If you're a fan of the film or want to try something exciting and different then why not give it a go? You can also watch some of the shows official videos here on YouTube so you know what you're getting yourself into ;)

Out of the tons of theatre shows I've watched, this is definitely my favourite, not only because I'm a fan of the film, but also just because of the atmosphere that comes with it; the interaction between the cast and audience, the singing and dancing, and the pure talent that is on the stage - the cast are always amazing!

Over the four times I've been, Kristian Lavercome has been Riff Raff every single time and to be honest, I'd be gutted if I went again and it wasn't him! He plays the character brilliantly and his voice is just crazy and incredible. Most of the other characters seem to be pretty interchangeable really with the actors/actresses playing them but they're always brilliant in their own unique way and I haven't really been disappointed as of yet, although of course I have my favourites ;) I have seen the same Rocky however (Dominic Andersen) the past three times I've been - he's really great and I'm glad I've gotten to see him a few times now!

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Then we come to FRANK - the main man! I've seen two Franks in the four times I've been to the show and they've both been absolutely incredible in their own right. The first I saw was Oliver Thornton who was just oh. my. god! with his more 'feminine' look as Frank and classical ballet background. 

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When I came to watch the show the 2nd time I literally prayed that it would be Oliver who'd walk out those doors during 'Sweet Transvestite' and when he did, I almost died XD He's been in a lot of theatre and won awards for his role in 'Priscilla, Queen of the Desert' and his flexibility and dance prowess really lend well to his role as Frank. He was a pure 10/10 and I was gutted when it came to the 3rd time round and someone else came out, but with that being said I was very pleasantly surprised with Liam Tamne. He also has a wide range of experience in theatre and was on 'The Voice UK' in 2013, which I don't watch so I had no idea who he was. His voice is pretty incredible and the way he sings during the end of the Floor Show is truly breathtaking! He's very funny and really looks like he enjoys himself on the stage, so I'm glad that he was there for my 4th time seeing the show too.

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So enough gushing about the show XD I just wanted to tell you guys about it and spread the word that it's pretty incredible, so whenever they release the tour dates for 2017, you should nab some tickets and go see for yourself!

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"Don't dream it, be it..."

Laura xo

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P.S. Big thanks to the legendary Richard O'Brien for creating this masterpiece - I love you!

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