22 - England - 5ft

Thursday 29 September 2016

Get To Know Me Tag

25 kinda random Questions to get to know me a little bit :)

1. How old are you? Twenty-Two! My birthday is June 3rd.

2. Where are you from? I was born, raised and still live in, the South East of England :)

3. Are you named after anyone? Yes! My mum wanted Laura because of Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie. My parents picked a couple names each but couldn't decide, so my cousin actually picked Laura out of a hat! Also, my middle name Hazel was the name of my Nan's mum 

4. What's your favourite colour? It changes sometimes because I really like all colours, but as you might be able to tell from my blog, my favourite colour(s) are orange & teal at the moment! I'm also really into pastels.

5. Who was your first best friend? My first best friend is still my best friend! Her name is Jade and we met in Year 1 at school in the playground. We ended up going to different secondary schools and universities, but if we don't get the time to see each other for a while, when we do it's as if we never spent time apart 

6. How tall are you? 5ft, not even 5ft 1 inch!

7. What's your favourite animal? I'm a huge animal lover, but I always say dogs are my favourite, probably because I had a poodle named Barnaby from the age of 8 until he passed away this year (rip ) and he had the same birthday as me! He was awesome 

8. Do you have any kids? Nope! I'm only 22 and don't feel ready to have kids right now. I feel like 30 would be a good age for me, but who knows what the future holds? I definitely want some, but just not yet.

9. How many countries have you visited? 4 - I've been to Wales, France, Germany and Majorca. If I had a lot of money, I'd love to travel all over the world. My holiday to Majorca with my friends when I was 18 wasn't really enjoyable for me. I want to explore and go sight-seeing, not drink by the pool and sunbathe on the beach.

10. Have you/would you ever do a bungee jump? I never have and I'm petrified of heights! I would like to do a sky-dive but for some reason a bungee jump seems more scary- I don't know why! Maybe because when I'd do a sky-dive I'd have a professional attached to me!

11. What is the first thing you notice about people? Human beings are actually wired to look at a person's face first, but following that I also look at what they're wearing (not to judge it, I just like to look at people's style) and always look at a person's lips and smile.

12. What is your eye colour? Hazel, just like my middle name! So my eyes are mainly brown but have some green in them towards the bottom :)

13. Do you like scary movies? "I'll gut you like a fish!" - Any guesses as to where this quote comes from? My mum and I actually love watching scary movies together!

14. Summer or Winter? Definitely Summer! Although I love Christmas, because I get to spend lots of time with my family (and get presents!), I hate being cold and I prefer how bright and colourful the world looks when it's sunny outside!

15. Computer or TV? Computer for sure. Not only can I watch lots of TV on it, but I like how creative I can be on the computer. I love to write stories and I can access the world via the internet, gather inspiration, educate myself, and share things with other people - plus I can play games on it :P

16. Favourite Movie? I struggle to find "favourites" of things since my interests and tastes are so broad, but a film that always comes to mind when I'm asked this question is Ten Things I Hate About You. It was definitely my favourite growing up and of course stars the amazing, incomparable, handsome Heath Ledger (rip ♥).

17. Do you have any siblings? Nope! I'm a (lonely) only child haha

18. Have you gone to/are you going to University? I did go to University for 1 Year to study Psychology and Mental Health, but it just wasn't for me and the course turned out to not be what I expected, so I passed my first year exams and then decided to leave. Now I'm completing an online course in Interior Design :)

19. What is your favourite perfume? I included this in my September Favourites post, which you can read here! :)

20. Tea or Coffee? Tea! (and not just because I'm English! haha) I don't like flavoured teas like chamomile or green tea etc, but I actually hate coffee! I don't like the smell or taste of anything coffee flavoured. 

21. Do you play any sports & if so, what? I don't currently play any sports, but as a kid and into my mid-teens, I did Gymnastics! I was no Olympian, but I really enjoyed it - especially when I got to practice using the Trampoline!

22. How many languages do you speak? Only one... I only speak English, but do know a few words or phrases from others. I've always found it really difficult to learn languages, but I'd love to be fluent in more.

23. PC or Mac? I've always had a PC, so I'm just used to them now and really like them. In sixth form we had Macs in my media studies class and I hated them and their rainbow ring of doom!

24. What's your favourite genre of film? It's definitely a toss-up between comedy or horror. They're the two that I always gravitate towards when choosing a film and it depends what kind of mood I'm in when I decide.

25. How would you describe your fashion sense? All over the place! I don't really have an exact style I always go for. I'm just really into fashion and creativity, so I'm attracted to all different styles. I always dress depending on my mood or what kind of event I'm going to; I like to experiment and try new things so I'm always looking at different fashions and looking for new places to buy from :) If you have any suggestions of places you love, feel free to leave a comment below!

Thank you for reading and I hope you got to know me a little better 

See you in the next post!

Laura xo

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